Grading Relationships like Exam Papers

Men are cheats and ladies are not loyal. The anthem everyone seems to be chanting. Since the trust is already compromised at the onset, both parties sleep with one eye opened. Snooping through each other’s phone, second guessing every response given and deliberately setting traps for each other to see if they would fall into…

How to be a good friend

It’s a great feeling to know you have a good friend; it’s a fulfilling feeling to be one.

The Gift of Friends

Everyone no matter how isolated one may be has a friend. Have you ever wondered how your life would be without your friends? How would the world be if friends did not exist? I was just reflecting on the kind of friends God has blessed me with and I wanted to share with you all….

Make ME a Sandwich🍔

#DailyPost I need me some sandwich; Slices of some sweet smelling toast; Stuffed with fresh vegetables; And some good protein too; What’s a sandwich Without its rich filling?