Would You Rather #51: Sing in front of complete Strangers or your closest Friends? 

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I love to sing. To myself. Alone. With maybe my dog and cat as my only audience. Or at least singing along with a friend. But singing to people? Not really my comfort zone. I guess it’s because of how I mentally criticize those who sing. If you go off key or overdo the…what is it even called? I can’t believe the word has escaped me right now. When the lead singer of a choir tries to hit notes that are beyond his/her capacity and crashes, it puts me off completely. It’s what I call giving God a ‘burnt offering’.

I believe that everything no matter how simple the task, should be done well. Perfection should be the goal; it might be unattainable but striving towards it means excellence and excellence is laudable. That is why I find singing off key for most parts of a song totally unacceptable. It hurts my ears and I don’t get to appreciate the lyrics.

If I were to be great at singing, I’m sure I wouldn’t mind singing before either strangers or friends. Because I’d know that I’m good at it and I can deliver regardless of who the audience might be. But since it is not my strongest suit, I’d have to consider which audience I’d be more comfortable singing to.

Singing to complete strangers is dicey. In doing so in front of music experts, one can’t just afford to embarrass herself because she doesn’t know them. The look on their faces is enough to demoralize you. But singing in front of people who would care less about quality of vocal notes might be less intimidating. They might even forget that you even sang to them so what’s the big deal?

In front of friends? Hmmm…considering that a good number of them are into music, it would feel like an audition. But no matter how badly I ‘burn’ the song and how much they would tease me about it, I know it would end there. It would always be a funny memory to recall.

But you’d never know how far discussions of your singing would go with strangers. I think I’d stick with friends. Friends forever and always, right? They have got my back; terrible vocals and all.

What about you? Which group of people would you feel more comfortable singing to and why? Kindly share your thoughts. As usual, it’s a pleasure to interact with you.

© Josephine Amoako 2016

23 Comments Add yours

  1. Jewie says:

    Hehe strangers! Id get shy when I recognize faces in the audience so I’m sure I’d be more comfy in singing in front of people who don’t know me over those who do….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. joseyphina says:

      Yeah, I understand. The ‘anonymity’ makes it less intimidating. Thanks for passing by and sharing your thoughts, Jewie. ☺


  2. somawrites says:

    Both… for the challenge and the pleasure 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. joseyphina says:

      Oh nice! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Amaka. Have a lovely day, dear😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. somawrites says:

        My pleasure dear! Have a wonderful day, Josey 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I would rather sing in front of strangers…I would feel less self-conscious by virtue of not having to see them again after letting it all hang out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Sure. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 👍

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Shereen says:

    I rather sing in front of strangers. i used to sing at church and weddings and stuff since i was like 8 or 9. But anyone close to ask me to sing and i freak and then i don’t do it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Lol… I know… The sense of judgment is very strong with people we know. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Shereen ☺


  5. Natalie says:

    Definitely friends!! If I sing a song they like, they might sing along with me 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Lol I know, right? It would take the pressure off! Good point there, Natalie! Thanks for sharing ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  6. niifakye says:

    Haha!!! Friends are the best, i would prefer my friends. I don’t feel intimidated when my friends laugh at me at least I’ll have few help me out. Friends!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Oh yeah, they will. Thanks for joining in with your thoughts, Nii☺


      1. Immanuel says:

        Ahhhh!! I actually chuckle when i read the title of the post, Lol. being someone that cant sing to save a cockroach, i would rather sing in front of complete strangers that in front of family and friends. Nobody even knows i blog and singing in front of them? Nah!!!. Thats just a tall order for me, i mean the awkwardness and all the emotions in between will complicate matter

        Liked by 1 person

      2. joseyphina says:

        I see… Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Immanuel


  7. Oluwanifemi says:

    I ‘d rather sing in front of complete strangers, that way I can act wild bearing in mind that I ‘d never see them again.😅😅 Not among my friends- I ‘d just feel kinda shy .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Haha… Go all out and never see them again. Sounds like a good plan. 👍 thanks for sharing your thoughts ☺

      Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Nice. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Virginia ☺


  8. Ufuomaee says:

    Strangers, because a prophet is never appreciated in his own home. I find that people who know me tend to be more critical of my singing (especially if they consider themselves good singers/musicians). However, I get compliments from strangers or people I don’t know too well on my singing…and no matter what people say, I know I can sing. I would definitely prefer an unbiased audience. If they boo me, then I will consider that to be the true verdict on my ability to sing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      True, strangers would be unbiased. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ufuomaee ☺

      Liked by 1 person

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