#WTF Chapter 7

Read Chapter 6 here.

“That was a great episode,” Frema said as the credits rolled on the screen. 

“Yes, it was,” Jojo responded. His phone beeped.

“Getting late…care to join me for a shower?”

“Um…why don’t you take the lead? Will join you shortly.”
“Okay…don’t keep me waiting.” She got up and left for the bedroom. His phone rang. He swiped the screen to answer.

“Yeah, bro.”
“It’s happening.”
“What is?”
“The baby. It’s coming.”
“Oh yeah? That’s great. Hope everything is going well so far.”
“Well, you never know…the last update was that she wasn’t dilated enough so we’d have to wait for a little while.”
“Okay…Serwa will be fine. She’s a tough girl, you know.”
“Yeah, but hearing her groans breaks my heart, bro.”
“Would you want me to come over?”
“I’d love that but I wouldn’t want to interrupt your evening if you have your girl over…”
“Oh don’t worry about that. She’s ready to go to bed so it’s cool.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah definitely. Will see you in a bit.”
“All right, bro. Appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it.” He ended the call.

“Babe? Are you coming?” Frema called out.

“Um…sorry, I’ve got to head out,” he said as he walked into the bathroom.

“I’ve got to rush out. Edem just called that Serwa is in labor so I’m going to meet him up at the hospital,” he explained.

“To do what exactly?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m asking what your presence there now would help achieve.”
“Giving support to my friend in such a critical time.”
“You can always go in the morning when the baby has been delivered. Why leave me here all alone just to wait out in the hospital lobby?”

“You can come along if you want.”

“You know what, go. I don’t want to deal with this right now. Sometimes I wonder if you are this involved just because you’re a friend or perhaps you’re even the father of her baby.”
“Excuse me? What the hell are you insinuating? Are you high or something?”
“Just thinking out loud.”
“Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself.” He walked out.


“Congratulations…your wife has delivered a bouncy baby boy.”
“Oh great. How is she doing?”
“She’s fine…worn out as expected. You can come in and see her.”
“Go ahead, will wait here,” Jojo told Edem.

“Can we both come in?” Edem asked the nurse.


“Hey,” Serwa said with a weak smile when her eyes fell on them.

“How are you feeling?” Edem asked and kissed her forehead.

“Exhausted. Want to hold him?”
“Sure.” Edem took the baby from her arms.

“Oh, isn’t he a beauty? He must take it from me for sure,” Edem said proudly.

“Yeah right,” Serwa said with a chuckle.

“Congratulations, Serwa.”
“Thanks, Jojo.”

“Hold your godson,” Edem said and handed the baby to him. 

His heart melted as he watched the baby’s face. He looked up to find Serwa’s eyes on him. They both smiled.

“He is going to cause chaos among the girls in school,” Jojo remarked.

“Can’t wait to say, ‘That’s my boy!’” Edem said. They all laughed.

Edem and Jojo stayed by Serwa’s side for several hours and left in the late afternoon to freshen up. 

Jojo arrived at his apartment to find Frema lounging in the living room. 

“Hi,” he said tiredly and threw himself on the sofa.

“I was hoping you’d return with renewed energy now that you’ve seen your baby.”

“My godson, you mean.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever…”

“I’m not that kind of guy, you know.”
“Which guy is that?”
“The kind you’re implying of having something to do with his best friend’s wife.”
“Oh, that…yeah, you don’t look like the type, but I wouldn’t put it past you either.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean under the right circumstances, it is highly possible for that to happen.”
“I would never…”
“That’s all right. Let’s not get into it, okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m tired and need to sleep.”
“Sure…I’m feeling lazy today myself. Let’s sleep in today.”

“Are you sure? I thought you mentioned you had stuff to do today.”
“If I had said so before, can’t I have a change of mind? What’s wrong with me wanting to spend time with my babe?”
“I didn’t say there was something wrong with it. I just want to make sure you’re not sacrificing some important errand for my sake.”
“That is my choice to make.”
“Fine. Going to take a shower.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Actually yes. I just want to take a quick shower and head to bed.”
“Okay fine.”

When Jojo got into bed, all he could think of was Serwa’s baby in his arms. No matter how hard he tried to think of something else, a mental picture of the baby never left his mind’s eye.

“What are you thinking about?” Frema asked.

“Nothing…just seeing the newborn baby has got me feeling some sort of way.”
“You’re getting daddy vibes? We can make one right now.”
“I’m serious, Frema.”
“So am I. We’re both adults, we are into each other, and we are stable enough to raise a child. What do you say?”

“I’m not sure if I’m up for fatherhood now but thanks for the offer. I appreciate it. Will surely consider it,” Jojo said as he rubbed her arm.

“Please consider it quickly because someone’s clock is ticking.”
He chuckled. “Duly noted.”


The naming ceremony was held at Edem’s parents’ house. It was well attended by family and friends of the new parents. The baby’s name was announced to be Edgar Kekeli Banini; Edgar means rich, happy, or wealthy spear, Kekeli means light/brightness, and Banini being Edem’s family name. 

When the ceremony was officially over, Jojo and Frema went to the couple to congratulate them. The four of them took photos together. Frema offered to carry the baby in her arms.

She looked at him admiringly and touched his cheek.

“Why do I have the feeling you’ll raise the baby-making issue again today?” Jojo asked jokingly.

“What else is there to talk about after seeing this beautiful baby? Serwa and Edem, please tell your friend to make himself available and make mini us.”

Both Edem and Serwa laughed at this. “Please don’t deny her this,” Serwa pleaded.

“I’ll think about it,” Jojo said.

Brunch was served and the four sat together to eat. The baby was asleep in the bedroom of Edem’s parents. Edem finished his meal first. They were chatting when Edem’s mother walked into the dining hall with the baby.

“He’s awake. He needs to be fed.”
“Almost done with my food. Will feed him when I’m done. Please give him to Jojo to hold for me,” Serwa said. She handed him over and left them alone.

“He’s fine, isn’t he?” Edem asked proudly, noticing how affectionately Jojo was staring at the baby.

“He is, indeed. Well done, bro.”
“Thank you.”
“And who said the beauty is from you?” Serwa asked.

“Good question,” Frema said.

“Who else would it be from?”

“My side?”

“If it were a girl, yeah, I’d give you that. But for this one, nah.”

Jojo caught Frema watching him admiring the baby and gave her a weak smile.

When they arrived at Jojo’s place, Frema asked, “So how was the whole show for you?”
“What show?”
“The naming ceremony.”

“It was nice. Why do you ask?”
“He’s yours, isn’t he?”
“What are you talking about?”

“Stop the charade, Jojo. Can we just be adults about this?”
“I’m not playing charade. Whatever you want to say, say it clearly and then we can have a conversation.”

“I’m sure you’d turn a blind eye to this but he does bear a resemblance to you.”
“Who, the baby? Come on Frema, a baby looks like everyone and no one.”
“The subtle acknowledgment wasn’t lost on me, you know; with the baby named after you.”
“What? Which part of his name was named after me?”
He chuckled. “And where did you see Edgar written on any of my documents?”
“You see, I’m smarter than you give me credit for. You are Edward, aren’t you?”
“Uh huh, so? How is that related to Edgar?”
“Ed, Jojo…I’m sure Serwa would have loved to use Edward but that would be so obvious, wouldn’t it? So why not use another Ed name?”
“Wow…you do have a very active imagination. Maybe you should pitch a show to Netflix.”
“Maybe I just might…about a guy fathering his best friend’s baby.”
“Enough, Frema! I’ve tolerated your insinuations for far too long and I’ve had it. If you think me capable of doing such a thing, then perhaps we are not good for each other.”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“Why would you want to stay with me if you believe what you’re saying?”
“Because I still believe you to be a good guy; at least better than most.”

“Wow…I’m flattered. Sorry, not good enough for me so please leave.”
“All right, let’s see how this all plays out. I hope I’ll be around when things unfold.”
“No, you won’t.”
“We shall see.”

Frema walked to the door and turned with a smile.

“I’m still open to bearing your child in case your ‘father’ hormones have been stirred up.”

She laughed when he rolled his eyes. She left and slammed the door behind her.

Jojo poured himself a drink and sat down on the sofa. He sipped and ran his fingers through his hair. His phone rang.

“Hey…arrived home yet?”
“Yeah, got in a few minutes ago. What’s up?”
“Came across an ear pod case under the dining table. Wanted to check if it was yours…”
Jojo quickly checked his pockets.

“Is it black?”
“Must be mine. It’s not in my pocket.”
“You’re lucky that I was the one who found it.”
“Yes, I am. Kindly hold on to it for that. Will come and get it.”
“Sure. With Frema?”
“Nope. She’s gone.”
“Gone home so soon? I thought you two would be prepping to start your baby-making project.”
“Can you believe she thinks your baby is mine?”
“What? What makes her think that?”
“She has been insinuating that for some time now… I thought she was only saying that because I spent some time with you when Edem was away. But then when she saw the baby, she said the baby looks like me.”
“Wow…and what did you say?”
“That if she was going to entertain such thoughts about me, then it was over between us.”
“So what, you two have broken up?”

“Oh sorry about that. At least, she wouldn’t have the opportunity to come near Kekeli ever again.”

“Yeah, let’s hope so.”

(c) 2024 Josephine Amoako

Read chapter 8 here.

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Naana says:


    Liked by 2 people

    1. joseyphina says:

      Lol….thanks for reading, Naana

      Liked by 1 person

  2. niifakkye says:

    Frema is coming like kakai. Looking forward to read how this will unfold.

    Keep it up Josey

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Thanks, Nii 😀


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