Finding Peace in the Everyday: From Good to Great and Everything In Between

Daily writing prompt
How do you unwind after a demanding day?

Some days are good. Some days are just okay. Some days get bad. Some days end on a terrible note. And some days are great, and it’s even better when they fall at the end of the week.

Most days begin innocently, and you usually psyche yourself for the usual stresses. On a good day, they are lower or barely present than expected. An ‘okay’ day is when expectation meets reality, no surprises there. A demanding day? Code red! When things pop up suddenly and you can barely get a breather, the hours can feel like days, and on other days, they flash like lightning with too much still to do. 

So, what do I do when I experience such days? I need a good laugh, so who do I call? My mum or my sis. I can let all my day’s frustrations out and share a few deep laughs and shed a happy tear or two in the process.

Before I retire to bed, I watch some TV series episodes to destress. I thank God for taking me through the day and I commit my night and sleep to His able hands. Each day and its troubles but grateful to survive another one. 

In a few hours, a new day begins and who knows what it will hold? All I can do is prepare and rest adequately for it, trusting God to direct my steps and grant me wisdom and favor in all that I do.

What makes a day demanding for you? And how do you unwind from such a day? Do share and thanks for reading!

© 2024 Josephine Amoako

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