#WTF Chapter 11

Read chapter 10 here.

Who's The Father
Joseyphina's World

Some years back…

Edem and Serwaa went for lunch at Edem’s parents’ house. Kekeli was seven months old then. Kekeli sat on his grandma’s lap while she managed to feed him.

“So, Serwa, when are you getting him a younger sister to play with?” Grandma asked. Serwaa turned to look at her husband. He only smiled back at her.

“Mummy, he’s not even one year old yet.”
“Now that your womb has been opened, it is better to do it quickly and get it over and done with. Then you can concentrate on your career or whatever you women of today are into these days.”
“I understand, mummy, but we have decided to give ourselves a little time…to space them out a bit,” Serwaa said.

“What is there to space out? What is your problem? Are you saying you are incapable of taking care of four kids?”
“Four? Mummy, have you heard of school fees these days? It’s crazy!”

“School fees have never been cheap, but we have all been sending our children to school. It’s not like you are paupers.”
“We have heard you, ma. We will work on it,” Edem said and rubbed Serwaa’s arm.

“That’s what I want to hear, my son. Do make me proud.”

Edem rubbed Serwa’s thigh to calm her down.

“Does she know the pain I went through giving birth to Keli?” Serwaa fumed in the car on their way back home.

“She’s also a mother, remember? I’m sure she knows how it feels like.”
“Keli is barely a year old! How can she demand another one? I’m still recovering.”
“I know but she’s got a point. The earlier we get this business done and over with, we can focus on our individual careers.”

“You don’t have a problem focusing on your career at the moment, Edem.”
“I know…I was talking more for you.”
“I appreciate the concern,” Serwaa said wryly.  

“I can hear the sarcasm in your voice but I’m serious about this, Serwa.”
“Alright, so you want a hall pass to get a cookie? Just say so.”
“I always want a cookie, you know that!”

Serwa chuckled and shook her head.


Serwa got out of the bed.

“Where are you going?” Edem asked.

“To get water. Want some?”
“I read online that the woman should lie down still afterward…”
“Don’t worry; if it is meant to go up, it will.”

Serwa drank water she fetched from the dispenser. She sighed as she put the glass down. She sincerely thought having a child was enough to prove her womanhood and get everyone off her back. Now she knew…she was wrong. 

Thinking about it now, she realized her mother-in-law wasn’t exactly wrong. It was better to finish with the childbearing and move on to other things. She knew that for that to happen, she had to take matters into her own hands. Just like she did with Kekeli.

Jojo came over to Edem’s place for dinner. The three of them were eating when Kekeli woke up from his nap.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get him,” Edem said to Serwa when she attempted to get up. He stood to get the baby. The little one reached out to Jojo when his eyes fell on him. Edem handed him over to his friend.

“Hi buddy,” Jojo said as he settled him on his lap.

“Guess what, my old woman thinks we need to get Kekeli a little brother or sister to play with,” Edem said.

“Oh really?” Jojo glanced at Serwa who rolled her eyes in response. 

“Yeah, I’m all for it but Serwa doesn’t seem so enthused at the moment.”

“Could it be because Kekeli is still breastfeeding and would want to at least wean him off before considering conceiving another?” Jojo asked.
“Of course but her point was not to wait too long.”
Jojo glanced at Serwa. “What do you say, S?”
“My body is still recovering from my first birth. I’d appreciate some space to fully heal before going through the whole shebang again.”

“There we go.”
“Wait, you’re taking her side?” Edem asked.

“Hey, there are no sides to take here. It’s her body and if she says she’s not ready, then what can you do? If the oven is not ready to cook the bun, you may have to be ready to respect that,” Jojo said.

“Did you just call me an oven?”
“Just a metaphor, S,” he replied with a smile. Edem excused himself when his phone rang. 

Serwaa watched Jojo as he played with Kekeli.

“Kekeli does need a sibling, you know,” Serwaa said so softly that Jojo almost missed it. 

“Okay, so you’re going to agree with Edem.”

“What is there to agree on, Jojo? It’s not about the action, it’s the results that would or should come out of it. And we both know there’s nothing there.”
“Okay so how do you reckon you’re going to get Kekeli the sibling he craves for?”
She gave him a curious glance. Edem rejoined them.

“What did I miss?” Edem asked as he sat down.

“It seems your wife is not that opposed to your proposition after all.”
“Oh yeah?” Edem said excitedly as he bumped his shoulder into hers. She chuckled.

She picked up her glass of wine and sipped.

“I don’t want to go on a wine hiatus too soon.”
“There will always be wine but not always the right time to make babies,” Edem said.

“Please don’t give me the ticking biological clock line.”

“Don’t mind me, only pulling your legs. But on a serious note, Jo, convince her to let us have another one.”
“She will when she’s ready, Edem. Don’t push it,” Jojo said simply.


Edem and Serwaa went to Jojo’s house one Saturday to help him set up for the birthday bash he had organized to take place in the evening.

Jojo entered the kitchen to find Serwaa seasoning some gizzard on fire.

“Tell me again why you have me doing this when you could have easily ordered catering?”
“It’s not everyday that I get you to cook me something in my own kitchen so why would I pass up the opportunity when it presents itself?”

Serwa shook her head, a smile creeping up on her face.

Edem walked in and opened the fridge.

“Um…where are the drinks?”
“Oh, I’m yet to get them.”
Edem gave him a disapproving look. 

“We could go and get them now…” Jojo’s phone rang. He answered it.

“Hey…you’re on your way? Great. I’m here. Waiting for you.” He ended the call.

“Sorry buddy, the drinks would have to wait.”
“Then why don’t you divide and conquer? Ed, you could go get the drinks while Jo waits to receive whoever it is,” Serwa suggested.

“Yeah, sure. What drinks should I get?” Edem asked.

“You know them. Feel free. Should I give you my card to make the purchase?” Jojo asked, reaching for his wallet. Edem dismissed it with his hand.

“I’ll take care of it.”
“Oh, you’re sure?”
“Yeah, I plan to have my fill of them. Alright, I’ll see you both.”
“Thanks Ed.”
“Don’t mention it.” Edem left.

Serwaa stirred the pot and covered it.

“Smells good,” Jojo remarked. Serwaa smiled approvingly.

“Want a taste?”
“You know I do,” Jojo said and walked to her side. She scooped two pieces into his palm. He dropped them into his mouth.

“Better than outside catering.” She laughed. They stared at each other. Serwaa leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

“Just this one more time. For K’s sake. This will be the last time I’ll ask,” she whispered, leaning her forehead against his.

“I don’t think we should…” She kissed him again.

“My cycle is just on cue. Do this for me.”
This time, he kissed her. He carried and placed her on one of the free surfaces.

“Put off the fire.” He turned the knob and his attention to her. They kissed again.


Jojo’s birthday party was well-attended by friends both old and new as well as some colleagues and associates. It was a fun evening with lots of laughter, good food and drinks. Edem sat beside Serwaa as she emptied her disposable cup of her punch. She smiled at her husband. He smiled back.

“How many have you had?”

“Enough. You know what?” She leaned forward so that her lips were close to his ear.

“I think I’m ready for another baby.”

He looked at her warily. “Hey, what’s in the punch?”

“Why?” Someone asked.

“My wife’s acting funny.” They all laughed. She kept her sheepish smile on when he looked at her again.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Uh huh. Want to get out of here?”

“Yeah, let’s.” He helped her up and they walked to the birthday boy.

“Buddy, sorry we’ve to run. I’m on hubby duty now,” Edem said, shaking hands with Jojo.

“That’s fine…thanks for all the help. Get home safely.” He hugged Serwa.

“Thank you,” she muttered.

“Thank you too. Have a good night.”

Later as they lay in bed, Edem asked his wife, “What made you change your mind?”
“I guess it eventually made sense to me. The earlier we get this baby-making done with, we can all get on with our lives and Kekeli can have a sibling to play with.”
He planted a kiss on her shoulder and rubbed her arm.

“I love you, babe.”

“Love you too.”

Six weeks later, Serwaa tested positive for pregnancy. Edem called Jojo all excited about the news.

“I guess I have your birthday party to thank for that, buddy. Your punch that night must have done the trick.”
Jojo laughed. “I’m glad to have been of help. I guess congratulations are in order.”

“Thank you,” Serwa said sweetly.

“Happy for you both.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to water your garden now that it’s bearing fruit.”
“Geez, Jo!” Serwa said but couldn’t help laughing as the guys laughed. 

“Talk to you later, bro.” 

Later, Serwaa sent a thankful emoji to Jojo. He sent a smiley back. 

(c) 2024 Josephine Amoako

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

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