#WTF Chapter 10

Read chapter 9 here.

The kids were all over Edem in the living room, with each of them trying to win his attention. Serwa came out all dressed up. Edem looked at her warily as she wore her perfume.

“Going somewhere?”
Serwa ignored him as she picked up her handbag.

“Going out.”
“Thought we’d spend the time together today…you know, quality family time.”
“Sorry, already had plans.”
“I’m sure you can adjust…
“Nope,” she interjected and walked out of the room.

“Babe, wait,” Edem said as he came after her. She paused and turned.

“Don’t you think we need to spend time and catch up?”
“No, I need to get out for some fresh air. I had plans to take the kids out today but decided not to deny you their presence now that you’re here so I’d say this is a fine compromise.”
“I miss you.”
“Now that is a patronizing lie and I don’t want to hear it. You can’t stand there and tell me that when I know that last night, you were in the arms of another woman. I’m off.”
“Fine but when you get back, we need to talk.”
“Oh yeah? We’ll see.”  Serwa walked away.

Hours later, Apefa lay asleep on Edem’s chest while Kekeli and Elinam lay on both sides of him watching an action-comedy movie. His phone rang.

“Yeah hi.”
“Hi…I’ve not heard from you today so I thought to check in.”
“Yeah right…thanks.”

“How’s everything at home? Is she happy or mad?”
“Everything is fine.”
“I see…showed her the results yet?”
“Not yet.”

“Okay…I’m also doing well if you care to know.”
“Good. Okay, I’ve got to go. I have the kids with me so…”
“Yeah sure, later then. Bye.”

“Was that mummy?” Kekeli asked.

“No, it wasn’t. Just someone I know.”

Edem put Apefa down gently on the bed and got out of bed. He took his phone and dialed a number.

“Hey doc, got a minute? I need to run some tests…” he said and entered the bathroom, closing the door after him.

“Hey Eli, let’s call Uncle Jo to get us KFC.”

“Yeah, let’s call him!”

They rushed out to the living room. Kekeli dialed the number on the landline phone.

“Hello Uncle Jojo, good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon. Is this my buddy Kekeli?”
“Yes, it is. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing okay. And you?”
“I’m fine. Please we want KFC chicken.”
“I see…when you say ‘we’, who exactly are you referring to?”
“Elinam and I.”
“I see…is daddy around?”
“Yes, he is on the phone.”
“Does he know you are calling me?”

“No…we want to make it a surprise so will you buy it, please?”

“Um…let’s see. I’m doing a few rounds at the moment so I have to check if I can pass by.”
“Please pass by, Uncle Jojo,” Elinam pleaded.

“Oh, how can I say no to my darling Eli? Okay, I’ll try and see if I can pass by.”
“Thank you, Uncle Jojo!”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. So, I’ll see you guys soon, yeah? Bye.”
“Bye!” Kekeli put the phone down. 

When they returned to the master bedroom, Edem was coming out of the bathroom. 

“Where did you two go to?”
“It’s a surprise,” Elinam said, giggling. Edem joined them on the bed and continued watching the movie. 

About an hour later, they heard the doorbell ring. Kekeli and Elinam rushed to the front door.

“Uncle Jojo!” Elinam squealed and jumped into his arms.

“That’s my baby girl!”

Edem came out of the bedroom.

“Hey, Jo! Didn’t know you were going to be passing by.”
“Wasn’t planning to but baby girl over here called to order for KFC so I had to make an appearance.”

“I see.”

“Thank you,” Kekeli said when Edem handed over their KFC order to him. He and Elinam ran to the kitchen.

“I got another bucket of KFC chicken. Want some?” Jojo asked.

“Sure, why not?”

“Let me go get it,” He said and walked out.

The two friends settled in the living room with bottles of Shandy and a bucket of spicy chicken.

“Where’s Serwaa?”
“Out. Wouldn’t say where. Can you believe she wouldn’t let me share our bed?”
“For real?”
“Yeah. When I insisted, she left the bedroom to sleep in the guest room.”
“Trouble in paradise, huh?” Jojo said and bit into a piece of chicken.

“You know what? There’s something I want to ask of Serwa.”
“What is it?”
“A paternity test.”
Jojo sighed. “May I ask why?”
“What’s good for the goose must be good for the gander, right? Since she asked me to verify Afriyie’s pregnancy, it’s only fair I request that her children’s paternity be verified as well.”
“She won’t take that lightly, you know. It could open a can of worms. Don’t do anything to jeopardize your relationship with your children,” Jojo advised. 

Edem nodded thoughtfully. 

“Besides, there’s no doubt that Keli, Eli and Peffie are your kids, right?”
“So don’t waste your time and money to confirm something you already know.”
“Thanks, buddy.”

Serwaa returned a little after 6 p.m. 

“Hey…didn’t know you were going to be passing by today,” she said to Jojo.

“Yeah, Elinam called and requested for KFC. You know I take my role as godfather seriously.”
“Yeah, I do. Thanks for showing up.”
“Welcome back, love,” Edem said.

“Staying for dinner?” Serwaa asked Jojo, ignoring her husband.

“Um no…I’m meeting up with someone in…about an hour,” Jojo replied, checking his watch.

“New girlfriend?”
“Oh no,” Jojo said and got up.

“Will be on my way now. Think about what I said, buddy, alright?”
“Sure.” They shook hands.

“Let me see you out,” Serwa offered. They stepped outside.

“What did you tell him that he needs to think about?” Serwaa asked when Jojo unlocked his car doors. He smiled.

“All I can say is that he’s not going to make that request of you. In return, I ask that you don’t make living together too tough on him. The meaner you are to him, the harder you push him into the other woman’s arms.”
“He’s already there, Jojo. I’m not going to waste my breath on it in that regard.”
“Then you better focus your energies on pulling him back to you. Save your marriage…for all our sakes,” he gave her a meaningful look before sitting in the car. 

“Take care of yourself, okay?”
She nodded. “You too, bye.”

Later that night when the whole household had gone to bed, Edem called Afriyie. 

“I was going to tell her that I want to check the paternity of the kids but my friend advised me against it.”
“On what grounds?”
“That I could lose my marriage.”
“Well, that’s a possibility if the results come with surprises. But if they come out as expected, then there’s nothing to be worried about, right?” Afriyie asked.

“If I may ask, what is your real reason for wanting to check?”
“Just for her to have a taste of her own medicine.”
“Then go ahead. And besides, she doesn’t need to know.”

“You mean, get the tests done without her knowledge?”

“Exactly. It’s the only way to get credible results without having her and your friend trying to talk or fight you out of it.”
“Hmm…thanks for that.”
“My pleasure. Have a good night, Ed.”
“Good night, Afriyie.”


The following morning, Edem came out of the bedroom and found Serwa in the kitchen.

“Hey, good morning.”
“Good morning.”

“What are you making?”
“I know but…” Serwaa increased the volume of the music player on her phone to drown out his words.

“Wow Serwa, is that how you want to play this? Okay, let’s do this,” Edem said, pulling out a folded envelope from his back pocket. He slammed it on the slab next to her.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what it entails?”

“I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway so why bother?” Serwaa asked with a shrug. He took out a sheet of paper from the envelope and unfolded it.

“This proves that I am the father of Afriyie’s unborn baby.”
“Congratulations,” she responded humorlessly.

“Thank you.”

“You must be proud of yourself.”
“I am, indeed; now that the potency of my manhood is not in question.”

“So, what do you want to do? Throw yourself a big party and announce to the world you have a lovechild on the way?”
“Of course not…I just wanted you to know…”
“Duly noted. Congratulations again.”
“So since you felt strongly that the baby was not mine…”
“The potency of your whatever wasn’t what was in question, Edem. I have heard that many of the side chicks prefer to be knocked up and be taken care of by their sugar daddies even when they are not responsible for the bun in the oven. I didn’t want you to be ripped off like the others,” Serwaa explained.

They stared at each other. For heaven’s sake, she hoped he believed what she said. 

“Something tells me there’s more to the story than this, Serwaa.”
“Something or someone? Does she happen to be carrying your child?”
“If I happen to have DNA tests done on my children, will you be okay with it?”
“I have not confessed to any affair or been caught with anyone…so on what grounds do you want to have them DNA-checked?”

“I believe it’s only fair. You insisted on this test because you did not trust Afriyie, right?”
“Exactly…are you inferring that you do not trust me?”
Edem sighed.

“Of course, I have every right to mistrust her because she’s the other woman. I am your wife and a faithful one at that! How dare you question that?”
“You started this game of having to prove with science. I must say, I have you to thank for pushing me to get Afriyie’s pregnancy tested. I never doubted her but now that it has been confirmed, it wouldn’t hurt to have every child attributed to me tested as well.”

“Where is this coming from, Edem? Is it Afriyie?”
“Are you assuming I don’t have a mind of my own?”
“Well, do you?”

“You know, I actually don’t need your consent to get them tested, right?”
“You try anything funny and this marriage is over,” Serwa said, dropping the chopping knife in a tone of finality.

“We’ll see about that,” Edem said and left the kitchen.

(c) 2024 Josephine Amoako

Read chapter 11 here.

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Naana says:

    Just get the test done. What’s all this back and forth

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Samuel Casa says:

    I have already notified my friend Humphrey Nabimanya of Sauti Africa to see how adopt this writing into a film.
    Because, what a way to keep us hooked on to the next episode, but anyways, just pass the test and let things fall in place.

    He is not your father, you’re just guessing

    Liked by 1 person

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