#WinterABC24: Role of content creators in a connected world

Thanks to the internet, we are all connected. From one end of the world to the other, people can reach out to each other and make one’s matter everybody’s concern. 

As content creators, as much as we mostly localize our content to suit our target audience in our immediate environment, we are now in an era where we have to see ourselves as more than local citizens of a country or members of a small group. We must acknowledge that we are global citizens and members of the worldwide community. 

Hence, what happens in Asia or the Middle East must concern those of us in Africa as much as what is happening in our respective countries. Just as it excites us to see that our ‘localized’ content is attracting the attention of people outside our countries and continents, we should strive to expand our scope to involve the global community. 

It may call for some research and conscious keeping up-to-date with events, but we will become better for it. We will be more broad-minded and adequately informed when sharing opinions on what is going on in our society about our economy, healthcare industry, education, fashion and lifestyle, etc.

We are to be each other’s keeper as we share our life experiences as content. If there is a worthy cause or campaign that you can support with your platform, then do so wholeheartedly. If an injustice is taking place somewhere that directly or indirectly speaks ill of humanity you can speak against and inform people about it, I believe it is a service you owe to your audience, regardless of whether they experience it personally or not.

How globally-minded are you? What are you doing or can you do to make the world a tad better?

© 2024 Josephine Amoako 

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. justine love says:

    We are to be each other’s keeper as we share our life experiences as content.

    Thanks for this reminder

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      You’re welcome, Justine!

      Liked by 1 person

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