#WinterABC24: Beyond Likes – Blogging for a Better Society

Blogging was thought of more as a hobby when it began; a form of expression of one’s thoughts and aspirations. However, when it exploded into a global form of influence, its outlook and expectations changed. Bloggers were not only expected to share their life experiences and bucket lists but were now seen as influencers to help shape public discourse on societal happenings.

That sounds like a bit of responsibility, I know; and it’s fair to accept that not everyone is up for that. Most people, both old and young, spend a lot of their leisure time online, getting informed on local and international news, and entertaining themselves with everything TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram have to offer. And for those open to reading text, blogs are an obvious choice to disseminate information that can drive change.

While some people may find traditional news quite a bit too ‘hard’ to consume and appreciate, blogs are somewhat easier to use in pushing critical societal reforms and conversations to influence change.

Blogs have been instrumental in driving social change, providing more awareness of human rights in many countries and have exposed a lot of wrongdoings in certain governments and sought for justice. This however calls for discipline and objectivity.

Recognizing the power of blogging today, every piece of information one puts out there can either transform or destroy a country so any blogger who chooses to drive societal discourse and change through his or her platform should understand the magnitude of responsibility it comes with.

Are you a socially responsible blogger or content creator? Or do you just go with the flow for the likes and traction? What can you do with your platform to make your society a better place? Something to think about.

© 2024 Josephine Amoako 

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Our responsibility is that heavy and we have to try not to disappoint

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Indeed and we must try to be as accurate as possible about what we post and not push propagandas.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Beaton says:

    with great influence comes great responsiibility


    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is a great thing that blogging has now reached the influencer level at a very low cost but the downside about blogging is that not all information is accurate so you get mislead easily because anyone writes what’s he/she thinks as there are no regulations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Yeah, that’s very true. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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