#WinterABC24: Africa To The World Through Music

Source: Shutterstock

Africans love their music. Full of drums, beats and rhythm. In the heart of the music is the soul of the African. 

From Afrobeat to Amapiano, the African continent has produced some amazing beats that are also making waves with the rest of the world. I personally don’t listen much to African music or I should rather say I haven’t been exposed much to African music. I may have to redeem myself in that regard.

The genre I have listened much to from the continent would be gospel, more contemporary than local. My favorite artistes to listen to would Joe Mettle (GH), Team Eternity Ghana, Joyous Celebration (SA), Ada Ehi (NIG), Dr Tumi (SA), Mercy Chinwo (NIG) among others.

After Sinach’s Waymaker track became a global hit, it awoken me to the fact that being in this part of the world doesn’t mean the continent is farthest place you can reach. When you know your purpose and you are faithful to serve with your gifts, the world in its entirety may very well be blessed and impacted by it. We don’t necessarily have to settle for being known in your little corner in your time zone. 

Gradually, Africa is earning a spot on the global music stage and I’m proud of artistes who are putting in the work to earn their due recognition. Take your place, people! The world is your stage and the people your ready audience!

Who are your favorite African artistes? Do share and maybe I’ll find my next favorite artiste to follow!

© 2024 Josephine Amoako 

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13 Comments Add yours

  1. My Favorite African Artists 🤗

    Abel Chungu Musuka
    Benjamin Dube
    Nathaniel Basey
    Kimera 256

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Thanks for sharing!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Find Abel Chungu’s song “Yahwe music bakulu”. I will translate the poetry in that worship song!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. joseyphina says:

        I see, thanks for sharing, Lazarus!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’ve looked for the lyrics of this song but I have failed…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Let me translate few lines without putting all lyrics
        Yahweh Muli bakulu (Yahweh you’re great)
        Takwaba umbi nga imwe (There’s none other like you)
        Mwe ba byala ‘mfula no tulumba (You who lays rain and lighting)
        Mweba puta umwela mumakumbi (You who blows air/wind on clouds)
        Nimwe ba kolonganye mpili (Its you who’s gathered mountains)
        Amenso aya mona namu mfifi (Eyes that see in the dark)
        Amakasa ayenda na pa menshi (Feet that walks on water)
        Mweba kosho ‘mulilo kwabula inkuni (You who starts a fire without wood/fuel)
        Mweba mpuswishe na mu mfifi (You who saved me from darkness)
        Mweba poka ‘malumbo naku menshi (you who even receives praise from the waters)

        Ifimuti fyonse filamitota (All the trees praise you)
        No toni tonse tula milumba (All the birds worship you)
        Mwa samfye ‘loba mpaka lyabuta (you clean all the dross)
        Mweba sunga intanda na mwitumba (You who even keep stars in your pocket)
        Mweba pentele umukola imfula (You who painted the rainbow)
        Ne Nsofu kuli imwe shila amfula (Even Elephants bow to you)
        Mwe Mfumu mwe Ntambalukuta (Thou King who watches over everyone)
        Takwaba na umbi mwe katula ( There’s none other my Savior)

        Mwaba fye mweka (You are the only one)

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Thank you so much for this


  2. Sunshine says:


    Liked by 1 person

  3. tcndangana says:

    Nathaniel Bassey
    Khaya Mthethwa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Thanks for sharing. I do have a few Nathaniel Basset favourites..

      Liked by 1 person

  4. justine love says:

    I don’t think I have a favorite African artist

    Liked by 1 person

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