I wish I could do more of…

Daily writing prompt
What do you wish you could do more every day?

I love my life. Not because it’s perfect because heaven knows, it’s far from it. I love it because for some time now, I wake up and I’m completely at peace within. The peace of mind I start the day and face the world with is priceless. Of course, life meets you at different points and can threaten to knock off this serene feeling out of the window but at the end of the day, I know there is this peace I can draw from that no one can take away. It is truly priceless.

I am also thankful that I’ve been able to insert my quiet time into my routine such that I don’t miss it very often. That also prepares my heart and mind about the day ahead. One thing I’ve realized is that, spending time with God in the morning goes a long way in fool-proofing me against being easily provoked by people throughout the day.

However, I will confess that, sometimes the hormones take over and I end up being unnecessarily snappy at the poor colleague who wants me to spell out every little thing. Thanks to the sweet Holy Spirit, I get prompted to calm down and take it down a notch. After all, the issue at hand isn’t that serious lol. I’m human after all, right?

I love that I can spend close to 80% of my working hours listening to music. It helps to keep me in peace, in a good mood and focused as I work. I couldn’t ask for more and I’m most thankful for that.

One thing I wish I could do more of is pray throughout the day. I do my best to spend time praying in the morning and utter a prayer whenever I remember to at work and before I surrender to sleep at night but I know I could do much better. I sometimes get distracted and catch myself attending to something else in the middle of prayer.

I know that is not cool because I imagine how I’d feel if the person I’m engaging with in a conversation finds something to busy him/herself with when we are not done talking. And surely, God deserves much better; the best of my attention because He gives me His very best, even when I’ve not asked for it.

So, I pray for grace to get better in this area; to remain conscious that no matter where I find myself, I’m in His presence and I can speak to Him as well as hear from Him about even the little things. That’s it for me, to pray more.

What about you? Thanks for passing by.

© Josephine Amoako 2023

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Shadia says:

    It’s true, spending time with God in the morning makes all the difference in how I show up that day. Hang up on peace, craving quiet time and going off on people who ask minute details, looks like I found my twin 😂 and praying is such a profound thing to want to do more of, all the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Thanks, Shadia. Thanks for passing by. Enjoy your weekend 😊


  2. Aloya says:

    Well written 😊


  3. justine love says:

    Listening to music while at work is top tier

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      I know, right?

      Liked by 1 person

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