#WinterABC24: Beyond Borders – My Afrobloggers Experience

Image courtesy of Afrobloggers

Afrobloggers to me, is beyond a community of creatives of African origin. It’s an answer to a prayer of content creators to connect in an informal and virtual space while inspiring and learning from each other.

I joined the community on X (then Twitter) in August 2011 and it has been over a decade of growth and inspiration. I hardly imagined being able to read great write-ups and learn from creators in Uganda, Kenya Zambia, Zimbabwe etc., and feel so close as if we share borders.

I also have access to youthful and vibrant blogs across Africa from one community without having to join several groups. 

Thanks to the annual WinterABC blogging challenge, even if I’m out of ideas, I’d have some interesting prompts to reflect on and write something. Although some topics would be outside my turf, it challenges me to do a little research and try my typing hands on it. 

I’d like to seize this opportunity to thank the brains and hands behind Afrobloggers for creating this haven for us – Uncle Beaton, Benjamin, Bruce, Pollet, and everyone else behind the scenes. You are indeed doing the Lord’s work for African creatives.

From organizing monthly virtual hangouts to promoting posts of bloggers (for free, I must add), your value is priceless. I pray that the community and platform grow bigger and more influential globally. This is only the beginning and I’m blessed to be on this train to greatness. 

What are you grateful for about Afrobloggers? Kindly share and thanks for reading.

© 2024 Josephine Amoako 

Follow Joseyphina’s World channel on WhatsApp here.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Beaton says:

    Danke ^_^ This is what keeps us going …. for free even 😂

    Somedays I ask myself if we making any impact and somedays we read posts such as this and dust it it and carry on


    Liked by 2 people

    1. joseyphina says:

      Oh definitely you are, Uncle B! I know it won’t always feel like it and never doubt the value you give to us all. Kudos 🎉👏

      Liked by 2 people

    2. For free we tell our stories, stay up at night scheduling posts. For free, we share them, and read other stories 😛

      Liked by 2 people

      1. joseyphina says:

        I know, right?! 😀😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The extra miles we go for our passion…

        Liked by 1 person

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