#WinterABC24: The Moments That Shape Us

Moments. We have many of them in our lifetime. Perhaps not every day but we experience them, especially the memorable ones. We all have some childhood memories that have stuck with us and based on the experiences, shaped certain behaviors and perceptions.

Aside from the memorable moments, which could be either delightful, painful, or bittersweet, there are those moments one would call ‘life-defining.’ They may be drastic/abrupt or gradual which subtly creeps up on us one day and changes the color of the lens we view life from afterwards.

It could be the passing of a loved one, a difficult financial situation, a health scare, a divorce of one’s parents, employment redundancy, discovering a partner’s infidelity, or some family secret that rocks you to the core. 

Unfortunately, these tough experiences could lead us to form negative and most often untrue perceptions about people and life. It would have to take some crucial moments later in life to make us face reality and compel us to unlearn some of the perspectives we’ve formed about men, women, some tribes, etc.

Having to unlearn some perceptions because of a pivotal moment in one’s life can be difficult and even painful, and it would feel like taking apart the very fabric of one’s life philosophy and having to create new ones.  But I guess that’s life.

Most life-defining moments are out of our control but how much they get to impact us is largely up to us. Some perspectives we hold today are based on some experiences we had growing up but may need a change to meet the older us. Some generalized perceptions need a second look. You would then realize that not all men are trash and neither are all women gold diggers or cheats.

How did a life-defining moment change your perspective on life? Have you reconsidered it as you got older?  Kindly share and thanks for reading.

© 2024 Josephine Amoako 

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