If I Were A Boy Chapter 13

Read Chapter 12 here.

When Alexa arrived home, her parents were seated in the living room with Paul, eating ice-cream.

“Oh you missed dinner. How about you join us for dessert?” Her father said after she had greeted.

“Oh no, dad. I’m pretty exhausted. I just want to take my shower and retire to bed.”
“But you can spare a few minutes to sit with us, can’t you?” Her father asked. Alexa slumped her shoulders and sat down. It was a lost battle if her father was involved. Her mother called the help to bring Alexa ice-cream. She took it from her and thanked her.

“So how are you feeling now, Alexa?” Paul asked.

“Feeling much better, thanks for asking.”
“Good to know. I must admit, I was really worried when I first heard of your incident. Thank God you’re alright.”

“Yeah and thanks for coming to see me at the hospital. Meant a lot to me.”
“Thanks for letting me know,” Paul said with a smile.

Alexa’s parents glanced conspiratorially at each other and smiled. This was going well.

“Your parents told me your car is a pretty bad shape. Guess what, I’ve a surprise for you.”
“You do? What is it?” Alexa asked suspiciously.
Paul laughed as he got up. “Why don’t I show you?”
“Sure,” she said, getting up.

“I need you to close your eyes.” He took her hand in his and led her outside.

May I open my eyes now?”
“Yes, you may.”
Alexa slowly opened her eyes and she screamed when she saw the sleek BMW car in front of her.

“It’s all yours,” he said.


“Go check it out. It’s yours.”
“Why would you gift me a car? It’s not my birthday.”
“There’s no rule which says you are only entitled to gifts on your birthday. Take the keys.”
“I’m sorry but I can’t accept this.”
“But why?”
“This feels like a barter trade to me. You’re definitely seeking something in return and my gut tells me it would be something I won’t be able to give.”
“Everything is a matter of choice, Alexa. All you have to do is say yes.”
“I’m sorry but I can’t,” Alexa said and walked back into the house.

“Did you like the gift?” her mother asked curiously.

“I wonder if there’s a new kind of trafficking taking place between desperate parents and bored rich men. Why are you two bent on marrying me off?”
“That was before, my dear. We have nothing to do with whatever he got you.”

“Really? You expect me to know he came up with the idea to buy me a car all by himself?”
“Hey, don’t insult me. I can think of a gift for my girl by myself,” Paul said, feigning offense.
“Oh wow, please hold your horses, mister. I’m not your girl.”
“Baaba, behave yourself,” her father scolded.

“I’m sorry if I’m embarrassing you, daddy but I can’t accept this,” Alexa said and walked out.

“Don’t mind her. She’ll come around. No one in her right senses would reject a brand new BMW,” Alice said, taking the key from Paul.

“Are you sure she’ll come around?” Paul asked, not convinced.

“Oh don’t worry; she just needs a good speaking to.”

“Alright then, I’ll be on my way now. Whatever happens, let me know.”
“We will. Thanks for coming, Paul. Let me walk you to your car,” Mr. Baiden offered and got up. They walked away.

Alexa sighed deeply when she settled in bed. What a dilemma she found herself in. Caught in between her all-time crush and best friend, a new fling and an arranged suitor. Louie knew her inside out and so held the upper hand in doing what would make her happy; Theo would be an adventurous trip down the love lane and Paul? He would give her a stable life. Happy, she wasn’t too sure but he seemed decent enough. Paul was future business…she didn’t need him around now to complicate her present.

What was wrong with juggling between bestie goodness and new friend fun trip? Guys did it all the time. Louie had done it more times than she could count. Now that the table had turned, he was acting betrayed. Getting him to have a taste of his own medicine was only fair. After all, if they were meant to be together, then it didn’t matter what detour they both went on, right? They would find a way back to each other. Was she just trying to convince herself and justify her decision? Whatever. She was young and this was the only time she could experiment with love this way. Two years from now and she would be locked down with a ring and a walled house. It was now or never.


Alexa jumped out of bed when she woke up. She had overslept. How come she didn’t hear her alarm go off? Did she even set the time? She rushed to the bathroom.

When she stepped out of the house, she saw the BMW and paused. Paul didn’t take it away? Now that she was staring at it in daylight, she really saw how sleek the car was. Did her parents convince him to leave it behind or did he decide to by himself? She checked her watch. She was running late and being in a comfortable AC filled car wouldn’t be bad at all. Nah, she wouldn’t let herself be tempted. She rushed out of the house.

It was as if she was wearing an inscription with ‘Don’t Pick Me!’ on her face and blouse. No bus or taxi driver would even look her way. She could feel the sweat running down her back. The devil was a liar. Finally, a bus stopped and she quickly got in. She took out her purse to pay the conductor. When she mentioned her destination, the conductor said that wasn’t where they were headed.

“Ah, you told me to come when I mentioned the location,” Alexa asked, frustrated.

The conductor hit the car twice to signal the driver to stop. He got down to make way for Alexa to alight. She hissed as she made her way back to the bus stop. She checked her watch again. This was a nightmare in daytime. Maybe she should swallow her pride and ask her mum’s driver to take her to work. She stood there for a few minutes hoping for good luck. When that didn’t happen, she went back home.

Her mother was drinking her early morning detox juice in the kitchen when she entered. She raised a brow when she took in her daughter’s sweat-drenched self.

“You jinxed my morning.”
“Good morning to you too. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Can your driver take me to work or is the offer off the table?” Alexa said as she fetched water from the dispenser and drank.

“No, it isn’t but why take that when you have a car you can drive yourself?” Alice asked testily.

“You know why I can’t touch the car. If I sit in it, it would be like accepting my bride price.”
“Would that be such a terrible idea?”
“Mum, please I’m very late for work.”
“Fine, at least let the driver take you in the BMW. Have a feel of it before you make your decision.”
“I thought I already made my decision. I made that clear last night.”
“Did you? Must have missed that,” Alice said sarcastically and threw the car key on the table.

“Help yourself,” she said and walked out of the kitchen. Alexa stared at the key for a moment and snatched it. She went outside and spotted the driver.

“Could you please drive me to work and bring the car back home?”

“Yes, madam.”

Alexa unlocked the car doors and gave the key to the driver. She saw her mother peering at her through her bedroom window. Alexa sat at the back and closed the door. The driver settled in and started the engine.

“Brand new car,” he said in admiration.

She didn’t comment as he drove off.

Alice’s lips turned into a proud smile as she watched the car drive away from her window.

“I’m very late so if you know any shortcuts that would get me to work faster, please take them,” Alexa said.

“Yes, madam,” he said as he picked his phone and opened Google Maps. Alexa arched a brow approvingly. She hadn’t even thought of that. She leaned back into the seat and sighed. She wore her earphones and closed her eyes as the music soothed her.

When she opened her eyes, the driver was pulling over at her office premises. She checked the time on the phone. 9:20.

“Thank you very much,” Alexa said and got out of the car. The driver also got out of the car and locked the doors.

“Why are you locking up?”

“Your mother said I should give you the keys and come back home,” he said, handing her the keys.

“No, please drive it back home.”
“Please she insists. You know how your mother is. If I go back with the keys, she’ll be very cross with me.”
“When did she tell you that?”
“On our way. You had dozed off then.”
She sighed and took the key from him.

“You have money for taxi?”
“Yes please.”
“Okay, thanks again.”
“You’re welcome.”

Few minutes after she had settled behind her desk, she received a text from Paul.

Heard you took the car out to work today. Is that a yes then?

“Oh mum,” Alexa muttered in disappointment.

Was actually thinking of returning it to you.

Really? Disappointed.

Sorry. But the car is dope though.

I know. Why not keep it?

As long as it has strings attached, No will have to do.

You’re very difficult, you know that? I’m not asking you to move in with me.

But that would soon be a requirement, wouldn’t it? I don’t think I’m the one you’re looking for, Paul

How do you know if you haven’t even given us a chance?

Alexa chewed her lower lip. What could she tell him so he could back off for good?

I’m seeing someone.

Is it serious?

It’s getting there.

I see…is he the one I met at the hospital?

Which one, she thought? Both Louie and Theo came to see her at the hospital. Who could he have seen?


Your mum told me you two are only good friends from childhood.

Geez, mum. What a way to tell on your daughter.

Well, we are looking to go beyond that.

I see. Do you think your parents are going to approve?

Why not? They know him better than they do you. Aren’t we supposed to trust the devil we know more than the angel we don’t?

Will send you my location.

He went offline. Oops, that must have struck a nerve. Anyway, the earlier she handed it over, the earlier she could move on. But recalling the feel of the car, she had to admit that it was a really cool car to have. But her father had already promised to get her a car, right? Or would he refuse to if she let this car go? Why did adulthood have to be this complicated?

The weather started to change after 2pm.

“Oh no…don’t do this. Not today,” Alexa muttered prayerfully.

The harder she prayed, the darker the clouds became.

“The devil is a liar.”

A strong wind began to blow and it started to drizzle.

Perhaps it would cease before I close from work, she thought hopefully. It rained hard for the next two and half hours. She sighed in relief when it stopped after 5pm. Then a colleague started talking of the many places that had flooded and the photos were all over social media.

Alexa’s heart sank when she saw the photos. How was she going to return and go back home under these circumstances? If she really needed a car, it was now more than ever. She opened Paul’s text.

Hi Paul. So considering the fact that it has rained heavily today, I was thinking that I should rather return the car to you tomorrow.

Need to get home safely in it, huh?

Blame the weather.

That’s fine. Be safe, yeah?

Thanks. You too, Paul.


She sighed. That was easy. He must really have a soft spot for her. Her phone rang.

“Hey cousin, how are you doing?”
“I’m good. You?”
“Hanging in there. What’s up?”
“Did you per chance go to work with your car today?”
“The rains ooo…I don’t know how I’m going to get home. Did you come with it?”
“Not exactly. It’s not my car…it’s a long story.”
“Not important right now. Can you come and pick me, please?”

“Sure. Will be there within the hour.”
“Thanks, darling. You’re the best. Let me call Louie. Perhaps he too might need a ride.”
“See you!” The line dropped.

How was she going to explain to Louie that she was driving a potential suitor’s car although she hadn’t accepted his proposal yet? Her best bet was to keep quiet as much as possible.


“Whoa! Whose car is this?” Esme exclaimed after she had sat in the car.

“Hi to you too, Esme.”
“Uh huh, so whose is it? Your dad’s or mum’s?”

“Neither,” Alexa said and got into the road.

“It smells brand new. Come on Lex, tell me who it’s for.”
“Belongs to Paul.”
“Which Paul?”

“Which other Paul do you know?”
“I know about three, I think.”
“How many of them do we know in common?”
“That Paul? Why would he dash you a car?”

“Why wouldn’t he?”
“Wow…money indeed talks! So what, you’re his girl now?”

“Nah…I was supposed to return it to him and the rains decided to flood Accra today. So I’ll return it to him tomorrow if God wills it.”

“So Louie says he’d appreciate a pickup too.”
“So you’re really going to return the car?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“There’s nothing wrong with going out with him, Lex. He’s rich, mature and good-looking. Your parents liking him is a huge bonus. What are you waiting for?”
“You’re kidding me, right?”

“I’m not saying that start wedding plans right away. See how it goes. He might surprise you. If he doesn’t meet your expectations, you end it before it gets too far. By then, the car becomes yours.”
“So you want me to date him so I keep the car?”

“Yes and no. I want you to be open-minded about him and keep the car as a bonus. Life is too short to refuse a good car like a BMW, cuz.”
“What if I’m interested in someone else?”

“Who?” Esme scoffed. She turned to look at her when Alexa said nothing.

“Please don’t tell me it’s your Uber passenger guy.”
“What’s wrong with him? He’s cute.”
“Maybe but he’s not your type. Since when did you mark down your criteria without my knowledge?”

“You think I’m settling for less with Theo?”
“A little, yeah. He’s cool but you attract the more appealing and commanding type. You know that, Lexa.”
“Yeah and that kind always like to be in control. With this one, I feel in control and it’s a nice feeling.”
“For the meantime, yeah. But from time to time, you’d like your man to be in charge and if you have to initiate everything, you’ll only get bored and frustrated. Take it from me, I know.”

Esme took her phone and called Louie.

“Hey, come out. We’ve pulled over in front of your office,” she said and hanged up.

Louie came out, saw the car and looked around. Esme pressed down on a button and window came down. She waved at him. He recognized her and started walking towards the car. He opened the back door and sat inside.

“Cool ride. For your pops?” He asked.

“Nope,” both Alexa and Esme replied at the same time. Alexa drove off.

“You remember Paul from the hospital?” Esme asked.

“Uh huh,” Louie said cautiously, watching Alexa from the rearview mirror. Alexa kept her eyes on the road.

“This is his ‘would you marry me’ gesture. Wow… he asked you to Be His Wife with a BMW. That’s poetic, don’t you think?” Esme said excitedly. Both Alexa and Louie rolled their eyes.

“So you two are dating now?” Louie asked.

“She means not yet,” Esme corrected. “I’ve convinced her to give him a chance. If he can gift her a car pre-dating, what do you think he would give family and friends when they say ‘I do’?”

“And what about Theo?”
“Who, the Uber passenger?”
“I’m sure he’ll find himself another driver to have a crush on. It seems to be his type.”
Alexa gave her a stern look which Esme didn’t even notice.

“You must be the queen of hearts. Having three guys striving for your affection,” Louie said drily.

“Three? Who’s the third? I know of only two: Paul and the Uber guy. Who’s number three?”
Alexa looked at him from the rearview mirror and their eyes met.

“Never mind,” Louie said. Esme looked at Alexa.

“What are you not telling me? There’s a third guy?”

“There’s a reason I don’t tell you everything, cuz,” Alexa said and ended the subject.

When she dropped Esme at home, Louie got out of the car to sit in the front seat.

“Why not drive yourself home?” Alexa said.

“You sure?”
“Yeah,” she said and got out of the car. They swapped seats and strapped on the seat belts.

“Really cool car, Lexa.”
“I know.”
“Are you going to keep it?”
“Don’t want to but after spending a day with it, I’m beginning to like it. I don’t want to complicate my love life any further by accepting his proposal.”
“Because of what you’ve going on with Theo?”
“And you as well. I’ve a lot to figure out on my own. I don’t want to add him to an already messy life.”
“Whatever you decide.”
“Thanks for the ride,” he said as he pulled the gear to park.

“You’re welcome.”
“I won’t pretend to know how it feels being in your place, having to choose between two or three guys. Must be a headache. But know that whoever you choose, you always have me as your best friend.”
“Thank you.”
He kissed her forehead. When she giggled, he planted a soft kiss on top of her nose. He got out of the car. She also got down. They hugged for a minute and separated.

“Drive safely.”
“Yeah, thanks,” she said as she sat in the driver’s seat and wore the seat belt. She waved him and drove away.

Paul was showering with Alexa with expensive gifts, Theo was giving her…he had no idea what and what about him? Would Alexa ever be his? Louie thought.

(c) Josephine Amoako 2019

Read chapter 14 here.

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Lexa noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Miss.Kizza says:

    I`m stressed just by this chapter. What is happening????

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      Lol…please don’t be stressed. And thanks for reading 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Miss.Kizza says:

        How can I not be??Three men ,one woman,Parents prefer Mr.BMW.I`m tired and await the next chapter

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Please Alexa should just keep the new car, nah in this economy dierr …😹😹😹
    Also Esme talks too much. She’s beginning to annoy me .

    Liked by 2 people

    1. joseyphina says:

      Hehe…I know, right? The economy is not helping 😂😂


  4. That Paul guy eh, mtcheeeeww. Anyway, hope he loses his car and Alexa too

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh wow so much drama. Where’s Theo 😭😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joseyphina says:

      In his corner lol


  6. Qwamenah says:

    Alexa’s mother dey worry, lah. Btw, I think I might just be moving to #TeamLouie. looool


    1. joseyphina says:

      Hehehe…I hear you


  7. She should just return the car before finds herself in a demanding relationship. I think Paul is the kinda guy who will be commanding her against her will.

    On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 at 00:08, Joseyphina’s World wrote:

    > joseyphina posted: ” Read Chapter 12 here. When Alexa arrived home, her > parents were seated in the living room with Paul, eating ice-cream. “Oh you > missed dinner. How about you join us for dessert?” Her father said after > she had greeted. “Oh no, dad. I’m pretty exha” >


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