Don’t Ignore Him

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She’s walking fast….far away from me;
I run after her and I tap her shoulder;
But she ignores me and keeps on walking;
All I want to do is to warn her of the danger ahead;
But she thinks I’m only bothering her;

As she goes farther and farther;
I call out her name;
But it’s like the wind carried my voice away;
I do all I can to get her attention;
But all she sees is that illusion of happiness, ready to trap her into oblivion.

So now I wait;
Never giving up on her;
Because I hope she’ll turn back before it gets too late;
Too late for me to receive her back;
I keep waiting; what if she never looks back?

It hurts to be ignored especially by someone you really care about. You can imagine how God feels when we give him the deaf ear and the cold shoulder when he’s calling and prompting us. As faithful as He is, He’ll never give up on us but time isn’t on our side. People are fond of taking crucial decisions at the eleventh hour but what happens when you don’t even know when exactly is the last hour?

Please let’s help each other, calling and running after our loved ones who keep walking away from the Path of life. God is counting on us all.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Always be ready with a word of hope . . . God will work it in, in his time.


    1. joseyphina says:

      Exactly, Jeanne. It’s not up to us to change people, God will take care of that.


  2. lgyslaine says:

    Not easy to do when people turn their backs on 🙂


    1. joseyphina says:

      It is never easy, Gys but what should keep us going is the persistent love God has for us no matter how many times we falter.


      1. lgyslaine says:

        Oui you have reason 🙂


  3. heartbreaking truth beautifully expressed~ wish we’d listen better ~ Deborah


    1. joseyphina says:

      Thank you, Deb. Have a great day.


  4. breath taking.. you know, it hurts alot when you’re calling some1 to warn him or her about the danger ahead and they ignore you.. its really painful. I pray i hear God’s warning..


    1. joseyphina says:

      I pray we all do, Clintonspel.


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